The biggest zombie Apocolyspe EVER!

The biggest zombie bosses, the biggest zombie hordes, the biggest Zombie apocolyspe EVER!

Meet "The Last Stand"

Named after their heroics doing Operation: Last stand, Alpha, Zulu and Wild squads are made up of soldiers, agents, scientists, and engineers, dedicated to the survival of humanity at all costs! 

Unending Undead hordes


Giant zombie bosses, zombie animals, special zombies, and our random clothing generator means, you'll always have a unique zombie killing you!

Outnumbered, not alone!


Not only do you have all of the Last Stand beside you, groups of armed hardy survivors are ready to get payback aginst the undead!

   We Are Bad-Guy Studios
                     &                   WE MAKE GREAT GAMES

Years of love goes into every product to give maximum value to our players, customers, and partners.

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